About us

Barré Technologies Zrt. is a Hungarian-owned software developer and solution provider company, specialized in enterprise solutions, primarily in enterprise content management and enterprise data asset management.

As a technology company, we fulfill our projects in the hope that our customers will choose us to provide support and conduct any further development activities. Therefore, it is also especially important for us that the products and projects we deliver are sustainable in all major aspects (scalability, extensibility). We do not just develop, we deliver solutions using the most up-to-date products possible. Our decades of industry expertise (financial, utilities, manufacturing, and government) and functional experience (physical document management, invoice approval, purchase order approval, billing, sales force automation) in large corporations are a great help in this.

A significant part of our solutions is produced by integrating products that are market leaders in their field. We are advocates of Open-Source products, while at the same time using paid products in certain closed environments. We work with colleagues who have unique knowledge in the, in one of the leading technologies we support (IBM FileNet, IBM Business Automation Workflow, IBM DataCap, IBM DB/2, IBM Optim, IBM DataStage, Alfresco, Activiti, Liferay, Pentaho, Orbeon).

We use proven processes for system integration, custom development, product development and support, augmented by project management, issue tracking, release management, build, version control, documentation and testing systems running on our own dedicated infrastructure. This high level of automation results in clear, streamlined communication with our customers, which is essential for the development activities we conduct, often remotely, and in which our colleagues have almost 20 years of experience.

As an IBM Gold Certified Business Partner, an official IBM Education Partner, and an IBM ESA (Embedded Solution Agreement) vendor partner, Barré Technologies Zrt. has all the certifications and authorizations to guarantee our customers a high level of service and reliable product support with IBM software products. We are proud to have been awarded the IBM Data and Automation Excellence in Delivery Award regional prize in 2022 in recognition of our work and achievements.